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Mag Life

Amazing July Cover

It’s finally here! The semi truck has officially delivered and our crew has unloaded about 53,000 LBS of The Brides of Oklahoma magazine wrapped in its new, black & white and beautiful July cover!  I think we held the cover in our hands the entire time while the unloading was underway.  We were in a trance – we just love it!  Lindsey Cryer-Long, the gorgeous bride whose wedding is featured inside the mag as one of our Brides of the Seasons, graces the cover!  This shot of her is amazing and it epitomizes the elegant simplicity style of Oklahoma photographer, Shannon Ho.  Stunning!  If you’re an Oklahoma bride who missed out on getting your hands on the magazine when it was first released in January, rest assured the bookstores will be restocked next week and vendor outlets will have copies to give you!  If you just can’t stand to wait, you can also order a copy online now. 

And, to learn more about how you can become a cover bride for one of our upcoming magazines, click here!