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The Brides of Oklahoma Site's event section, and its new features

Brides of Oklahoma is the source for staying up to date on the latest bridal events and happenings across the state and staying fully in the wedding loop just got easier! As part of our new face online, an entire section of our new web site is devoted to events – and it’s full of goodness! Conveniently organized by event date sort to see events “this week”, “next week” or “all events” or click on any of the category tags to search by type of event (bridal shows, fashion, open houses, trunk shows, haute deals and more) to find just what you may be looking for. We’ve got the scoop! Make special note of our Featured Events as well at the top of the page that we’re extremely excited about and you definitely won’t want to miss! Click on any event and get more details, map it and share it on Facebook with friends that’ll want to know. Go ahead and break out your calendars and make sure to attend these haute events on the horizon! And, to stay up to speed while on the go, be sure to download the Brides of OK iPhone app on iTunes and click on “In the Loop” to receive the latest Oklahoma bridal events and happenings on your phone. Cheers!

To get more information on promotion of your event through Brides of Oklahoma, click here.