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Mag Life

Pre-order your Spring/Summer Hardbound Mag!


With the release of each issue, we offer hardbound magazines alongside the timeless soft print version. The hardbound magazine offers a whole new approach to saving those special memories with a new look and feel and the same impeccable class and design of Brides of Oklahoma’s original content. The cover is hardbound and super glossy with weighty inside pages — the perfect coffee table conversation piece and a keepsake that’ll last a lifetime! You can even surprise your bridesmaids or family members with this special gift! For a limited time you can pre-order the upcoming Spring/Summer 2016 hardbound copy and get half off the original $50 pricetag with code “HALFOFF” making it $25. Preorder here! Wanting the current Fall/Winter 2015 hardbound (pictured)? Order it online here. Enjoy!


Also, a reminder to brides who are announcing their weddings in the upcoming issue: the deadline to submit your completed wedding announcement packet for the upcoming January issue is coming up on October 1st, but as a special treat, we are giving away a FREE HARDBOUND MAGAZINE to any bride purchasing an announcement that completes her packet by Tuesday, September 15th. Be sure to reserve your spot online right away here, and begin your submission with the information portion of the packet online — http://www.thebridesofoklahoma.com/wedding-details! If you have any questions, email Jennifer at jennifer@thebridesofoklahoma.com or call 405.607.2902.