If you’re searching for the perfect one-of-a-kind diamond, be sure and visit Lewis Jewelers in Moore and check out their incredible selection of Forevermark Diamonds. We were blown away when we learned more about these beauties and how they’re sourced. Every Forevermark diamond undergoes a journey of rigorous selection, and less than one percent of the world’s diamonds are worthy of the Forevermark inscription. Lewis Jewelers was chosen earlier this year as the FIRST retail partner in North America to carry the Black Label Forevermark Diamonds, which represents the top 1% of all of the Forevermark diamonds.
This summer Tim Lewis of Lewis Jewelers actually visited the De Beers Victor mine in Canada where he experienced the journey of a Forevermark diamond firsthand. The Forevermark Carat Club recognizes the top sales ambassadors annually from across the nation, and Tim just happens to be one of the 17 inaugural Carat Club members, earning him a seat on the exclusive voyage – so cool! The group experienced the sheer magnitude of the effort that it takes to bring one of nature’s treasures to life as they toured the open-pit mine site and process plant.
“I am so proud to be a partner with DeBeers and Forevermark Diamonds. This trip was truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see, firsthand, the colossal effort that is involved in discovering, producing, polishing and bringing these diamonds to the market. The extent to which DeBeers takes to preserve and restore the native land, as well as their commitment to their employees was astounding. These are the first diamonds that are responsibly sourced, and I got to see what that means. When you start with an ultra-transparent diamond crystal, and then cut and polish it to perfect symmetry, you end up with the most beautiful diamonds on the planet,” said Tim.
Head to Lewis Jewelers to see their collection of Forevermark diamonds and huge selection of fine jewelry. Cheers!
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