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Documenting Your Big Day Start to Finish – Wedding Keepsake Ideas

We know the planning process of a wedding is no easy task. There is so much to think about, plan and get ready for that often we forget about the sweet moments that come in-between the day we say “yes” and the day we say “I do.” We want to help you remember those moments so after your wedding you can look back and never forget the highs, the lows, the laughs and the moments in the middle. We have a few wedding keepsake ideas that we think will leave you reminiscing on every day leading up to your wedding and every day after. 

Documenting Your Big Day Start to Finish – Wedding Keepsake Ideas

Photo // Amanda Watson Photography

Wedding Journal With the Future Mr. & Mrs. 

No matter if you think you’re a good writer or not, journaling your way through the wedding process is a great way to look back on all the things you faced leading up to your big day. Talk to your future spouse about doing this with you! After your big day, spend time going through some of your journal entries together. This will allow you both to laugh at “make or break” moments, reflect on the butterflies you both felt and let each other in on all the things you were feeling. You can make this funny or serious! Tailor this to your personalities! Have fun with it! This will be a wedding keepsake you can look back at forever. 

Keep a Letter Box 

A large part of getting married is constantly getting those sweet encouraging words from your family and friends who are rooting for you. Often, this gets overlooked in the planning process. Too often we toss the handwritten notes aside, and after the big day we forget the words of affirmation and advice we received from those who love us. Make a wedding keepsake for before and after your wedding of the kind words you received. You can look back on them for as long as you want and you can thank those who encouraged you through! 

Make a Wedding Website

Having a central location for your guest to go for updates during the planning process is huge! A website allows a space to communicate with your guest whatever and whenever you want to. In this day in age it has never been easier to create a website. If you’re not too tech savvy, grab your friend who knows the ins and outs of technology and do it together! This is an online wedding keepsake you can continue looking back on and even continue updating your guests after the wedding if you’d like! The sky is the limit with creativity on this one!

Use a Disposable Camera Throughout the Process 

We all know that hiring the crazy cool photographer for your wedding is high up on our list of to-do’s for the day of the wedding, but there are so many fun candid moments to be caught in-between. Carrying around a disposable camera for all of the parts leading up to your big day is an easy, fun and cheap way to capture the imperfect and fun moments that you will reminisce on forever. Print out your disposables and make a book of all your pictures to have as a wedding keepsake!

Frame your Vows 

Vows are the words that reflect on your relationship that you have shared in the past and the words that make promises for the future. These are words you do not want to forget! Frame these words and put them somewhere you both will see them often. This is a wedding keepsake that will remind you of those promises over and over again. This is the keepsake that keeps on giving!


Be creative documenting your wedding process! These are just a few easy wedding keepsake ideas we think would be so fun to look back on. Think outside of the box and reflect on the things that are important to you that you want to reminisce on forever. This is a big day and the big process leading to a new chapter in your life deserves to be remembered! 

Check out some of our favorite guest book ideas here!